Meet 2024 Rising Star shortlistee Yasmin Smith


Shortlisted for the Australian publishing industry’s Rising Star award in 2024, UQP Special Projects Editor Yasmin Smith oversees the publisher’s First Nations Classics series and acts as an ‘invaluable in-house cultural consultant’, with her ‘inestimable connections, knowledge and cultural awareness [contributing] to better processes and engagement in-house’. Learn more about Yasmin as she shares insights into her career, reflects on the changing world of publishing, and offers advice for newcomers to the industry.

What achievements are you proudest of in your career so far?

I’ve loved collaborating with many knowledgeable and big-hearted colleagues in this industry. I’m proud to have worked with lots of incredible authors on their books at UQP too. I think the two most nerve-racking and rewarding moments are sending an author your first round of edits, and then receiving their advance copies from the printer – each time feels like a proud achievement. Unboxing the first instalment of the First Nations Classics when they arrived in-house was also a proud moment. (Read more from Yasmin on these in the SMH.)

This year’s BookUp program has a strong focus on innovation and adaptation. How do you think the publishing industry will change in the coming years? And what excites you about those changes?

I’d love to see the way we traditionally acquire books become more innovative and adaptable, especially from those who don’t have any know-how about how publishing works. When someone who isn’t ‘bookish’ learns that I’m an editor, they are always surprised to hear that there are publishers on the scout for stories every day. It’s exciting to see storytelling become more globally diverse and accessible through technology nowadays – people should know that something that a less ‘bookish’ brain may find interesting (or incredibly unhinged) might just make for the most absorbing book someday!

What surprised you about the industry when you first joined, or still surprises you now?

The differing lifespans of each book. Our publishing schedules are always running well into the future and yet we spend countless months (sometimes years) helping to shape the book, and support our authors, well before and after publication date. Sometimes it’s still a bit surreal how fast the industry moves, and how a book often has only a moment to buzz, and then we’re on to the next before it’s even stopped singing.

What advice do you have for newcomers who want to build a career in publishing? What has helped you along the way?

Confidence and curiosity goes hand-in-hand. I started working in-house with very little knowledge about production schedules, and things like briefing the typesetter, costings, cover designs or really understanding how complex and multifaceted each stage of publication (and author care) can be. I’ve had a generous learning ground at UQP to upskill and build confidence in so many areas that allowed me to pursue a career in publishing. I also think that seeking out mentorship from those you respect and admire is invaluable.

The winner of the Rising Star award will be announced at the BookUp conference networking drinks in Melbourne on 7 August. You can learn more about the BookUp program and discover the full Rising Star shortlist here.

The Rising Star award is proudly supported by Media Super, the super fund dedicated to those who publish, inform, entertain, create and inspire.
