The APA and our members are committed to fostering and supporting a book industry and culture that serves the needs of all Australians, and increasing diversity and inclusion in the industry.


In 2022 the Australian Publishers Association announced its commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive book industry that serves the needs of all Australians. A Diversity and Inclusion Working Group was also established to advise on action to support the desired change.

In particular, the APA is focussed on:

  • supporting First Nations writers, publishing and readers
  • ensuring reading is for all
  • embracing and facilitating diversity in our own companies
  • ensuring our technologies and products are inclusive

D&I Working group

The current working group members are: 

  • Astrid Browne – Chair (Hardie Grant)
  • Michelle Aarons (Cengage)
  • Rachel Bin Salleh (Magabala)
  • Rosina Di Marzo (NewSouth)
  • Angela Glindemann (Books+Publishing, previously OUP)
  • Kajal Narayan (Pantera)
  • Nicola Santilli (Allen & Unwin)

Diversity and Inclusion Plan for Australian publishing

The APA through the Working Group has now developed a Diversity and Inclusion Plan, which comprises:

  • Eight recommendations to improve diversity and inclusion in the Australian publishing industry
  • An action plan for the Association with four areas of focus, to support and track progress in the industry


D&I plan banner – a multicoloured image of silhouetted heads above the Australian Publishers Association logo and words Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2024-25

Read the Diversity and Inclusion Plan 2024-25

Reference group

The APA’s D&I Working Group is supported by input from publishing staff across the industry, through a wider reference group that all interested industry members are invited to join.

Reference group members will be called upon from time to time for their expertise on specific diversity and inclusion issues, and to provide further opportunities to share solutions and ideas.

For further information about joining the Reference Group, Working group, or our work on Diversity and Inclusion please contact industry development manager Andrea Hanke.


Diversity and Inclusion news

Full program announced for BookUp 2024

4 Jun 24

Innovation and adaptation is the focus for the 2024 BookUp Conference, offering valuable networking and PD on Wednesday 7 August 2024 in Melbourne.

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Reflections on a rich and rewarding REP 2024

20 May 24

Important.discussions, knowledge sharing, and community building were all on offer at the Residential Editorial Program 2024

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First announcements for BookUp 2024

7 May 24

On 7 August the Australian publishing industry will come together for BookUp in Melbourne, a conference full of thought-provoking ideas and valuable professional development.

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